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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Kamogawa Sea World

It has been a while since the last post. Sorry for the wait. A couple of weeks ago we headed due south and visited Kamogawa Sea World again. This time, we were ready. The last trip here we realized that there needs to be a coordinated effort with the family unit in order to see all there is to see in any amusement park here in Japan. It takes discipline, focus, and, above all, a plan.

This time we had originally planned to leave in time to get to Kamogawa before 11am on Sunday. Unfortunately, we forgot the above concept of dicipline and overslept. As a result, we got into the car, programmed the GPS and realized we would get to Kamogawa and then just have to turn around and come back home. We decided on just going to the park for the day instead and making a plan for that Monday (I had a 3 day weekend).

That next morning we woke up at 6:30am, and headed out in time to get to the park just as it was opening. While waiting in line we had the show schedule with us. For the first show, the seals, since I had seen it before, before the show was done, I left, took some seats at the dolphin show and sent Hiroko a text message with my location. After the seals, they showed up and we all enjoyed the show. The rest of the shows went just as well. We were a well oiled machine!

Also, for the Orca show, they had recently had a baby Orca born at the park. During the show, I had tried to get pictures of the little one swimming along with the mom while she was performing. Unfortunately, I did not get the picture.

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