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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Hello Japan! Here Comes Jero!

This Saturday was the much anticipated arrival of Jerome White Jr. or Jero as he is known here in Japan. My mom got to see him perform on TV while she was here and was impressed (At least that is what she said). Jero sings "Enka". Enka is a Japanese form of folk songs and old country music. It has been very popular in Japan for a very long time.

Jero grew up in Pittsburgh, PA where he sang songs for his Japanese grandmother. As he grew older he learned many more and made his debut on the Japanese NHK TV show, "Nodo Jiman" or the "Proud Throat". Now he is about to release his first CD here in Japan and the hype is unbelievable. He looks like a Rap star but sings like a Enka star. Young and old from all over Japan are going to love this guy.

This afternoon at 3 he had a short free concert here in Inzai at the Big Hop Garden Mall (The same mall that my wife works at). The square in the middle of the mall packed in everyone shoulder to shoulder. Anna and Mom bought a CD to get up near the front and get a handshake after the concert. I have their picture here.

Jero sounds great! He has a talent for languages and music that few could aspire to. He has done alot of work and deserves every yen he makes here. His grandmother would be very proud.


J-Medic said...

This is the first visit to your blog.
I came here from Jero's blog.
I can see your cute daughter and Jero.
Thenk you very much.

I'm not sure my spell is correct.
There is no dictionary around here.

Unknown said...


Thank you for your comments. I'm glad you like the blog. We had a great time seeing Jero.