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Monday, June 11, 2007

Ibaraki Natural Museum

After the festivities at Tenjin we went and visited my friend from work and his wife to make a trip to the Ibaraki Nature Museum in Bando City. The museum is located in the middle of a huge marshland that has a very long bridge that you can walk across and see all of the flora and wildlife of the area. There were scattered thunderstorms all day on Sunday so we decided to stick to the inside of the museum and leave the walking around the park for another day.

One of the coolest displays was the skulls of early man. Here they had from the smallest all the way to modern man. You can see these in the rest of the album for the day.

Here is the link: Ibaraki Natural Museum Album

Lastly, there was a special display dedicated to the insects of the world. Here they had a display of some of the delicacies of various countries. I especially liked the baby scorpions on a stick that they serve in China. Yum, Yum!
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