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Friday, May 4, 2007

Golden Week Part III

On Thursday we took a quick trip to the Naritasan Shinshoji Temple with some friends from work.
Until yesterday I didn't realize how big this place was. Unfortunately, many of the buildings are being restored and are covered in scaffolding right now. Hopefully, in the next few months we will be able to go back and be able to see the temples in there full glory.
Also, We found this globe dated from the mid 1800's inside the temple grounds. It is very neat to see how Japan saw the rest of the world at that time. In the Picassa photos you can see a detail of the eastern half of the USA. You can see Chicago and Atlanta labeled prominently on the map.

For now, we'll have to settle for seeing them online. Here is a link to the Naritasan website

I did, however get some good pictures of the smaller stuff around the temple. I like the picture of the dog above. It reminds me of my Mom's Boston Terrier, Shooter, when he gets mad.

Here is a link to the rest of the pictures. Naritasan Shinshoji Temple Trip Pictures

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